
Open play: Saturday 11-5pm, Sunday 1-5pm

Reservations can be done any day anytime.

Individual Paintball Rental Rates for 68 caliber or Low Impact:

Option 1:$27.00 per person Includes Mask, Semi, unlimited Co2 and 200 paintballs

Option 2: $37.00 per person Includes Mask, Semi, unlimited Co2 and 500 paintballs.


and receive a electronic Mini GS Marker , Thermal Mask and Electronic Hopper only for 68 caliber 

Paintball Group Rental Rates:

10-20 players. $2.00 off individual rental rate

21-30 players. $3.00 off individual rental rate

31 + players. $4.00 off individual rental rate

Have your Own Equipment:

$10.00 range fee + paint & air extra if needed.

We are Field Paint Only!

You must purchase our paintballs to play at our location. If caught shooting other paint than ours, you will be ejected without refund.

Paint Prices:

200 paintballs $10.00

500 paintballs $20.00

2,000 paintballs $65.00

Air Prices:

Co2: $4.00-$6.00 depending on size of tank.

Compressed air: $1.00 per 1.000 psi